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Tips are a collection of answers to user questions in GitHub Discussions and our Discord organized by topic.


Cancel Audio with Keyboard Shortcut

// Name: Cancel Audio with Keyboard Shortcut
// Group: Audio

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

// Start saying long thing
say(`I have so much to say I'm just going to keep talking until someone shuts me up`)

registerShortcut("opt x", () => {
say("") //will cancel
process.exit() // you need to exit or else the shortcuts will keep the script active

registerShortcut("opt y", () => {
say("You're done", {
name: "Alice",
rate: 0.5,
pitch: 2,


Format Latest Clipboard Item

// Name: Format Latest Clipboard Item
// Group: Clipboard

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

let text = await paste()
let newText = text.replace("a", "b")
await setSelectedText(newText)


Database Read/Write Example

// Name: Database Read/Write Example
// Description: Add/remove items from a list of fruit
// Group: Data

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

let fruitDb = await db(["apple", "banana", "orange"])

while (true) {
let fruitToAdd = await arg("Add a fruit", md( => `* ${fruit}`).join("\n")))

await fruitDb.write()

let fruitToDelete = await arg("Delete a fruit", fruitDb.items)

fruitDb.items = fruitDb.items.filter(fruit => fruit !== fruitToDelete)

await fruitDb.write()

Edit the Keys and Values of an Object

// Name: Edit the Keys and Values of an Object
// Group: Data

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

let data = {
name: "John",
age: 42,
location: "USA",

let result = await fields(
Object.entries(data).map(([key, value]) => ({
name: key,
label: key,
value: String(value),

let newData = Object.entries(data).map(([key], i) => ({
[key]: result[i],


Populate db example

// Name: Populate db example
// Description: Shows how to pre-populate database
// Group: Data

// Pass in a function to generate data for the db
// Because this script is named "db-basic.js"
// The database is found at "~/.kenv/db/_db-basic.json"

let reposDb = await db(async () => {
let response = await get("")

return{ name, description, html_url }) => {
return {
value: html_url,
let repoUrl = await arg("Select repo to open:", reposDb.items)

exec(`open "${repoUrl}"`)


Get Active App on Mac

// Name: Get Active App on Mac
// Group: Desktop

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

// Always hide immmediately if you're not going to show a prompt
await hide()

// Note: This uses "" inside,
// but you can import that package directly (or another similar package) if you prefer
let info = await getActiveAppInfo()
if (info.bundleIdentifier === "") {
await keyboard.pressKey(Key.LeftSuper, Key.T)
await keyboard.releaseKey(Key.LeftSuper, Key.T)


Append Text to Editor

// Name: Append Text to Editor
// Group: Editor

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

let sentence = `This is a sentence that will be appended to the editor.`
let words = sentence.split(" ")

setInterval(() => {
let word = words.shift()
if (word) {
editor.append(word + " ")
}, 100)

await editor({
lineNumbers: "on",
fontFamily: "Menlo",

Preview Markdown

// Name: Preview Markdown
// Group: Editor

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

let value = `
# Hello World

## Markdown Features

Here are some examples of markdown features:

- **Bold Text**
- *Italic Text*
- \`Inline Code\`

1. First item in a numbered list
2. Second item in a numbered list

> Blockquote

![Image Alt Text]( "Image Title")

console.log("Code block with syntax highlighting");

Here is a table:

| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| -------- | -------- |
| Row 1 Col 1 | Row 1 Col 2 |
| Row 2 Col 1 | Row 2 Col 2 |

await editor({
onInput: async input => {


Generate from Scripts

// Name: Generate from Scripts
// Group: Markdown

import { Script } from "@johnlindquist/kit"

let scripts = await getScripts()

// Check if kit-docs is a kenv

let kenv = path.basename(projectPath())
let isKitDocsInAKenv = kenv !== ".kenv"
let outFilePath = projectPath("")

if (isKitDocsInAKenv) {
scripts = scripts.filter(script => script.kenv === kenv)

scripts.sort((a, b) =>

// Group by group
let groups: {
[key: string]: Script[]
} = {}
for (let script of scripts) {
if (!groups[]) groups[] = []

// Convert Groups into Markdown h2's with the Content Below
let markdownBody = ``
for (let [group, scripts] of Object.entries(groups)) {
markdownBody += `## ${group}\n\n`
for (let script of scripts.sort((a, b) => {
let content = await readFile(script.filePath, "utf8")
markdownBody += `### ${}\n\n`
markdownBody += "```ts\n"
markdownBody += content
markdownBody += "\n```\n\n"

let markdown = `# Tips

Tips are a collection of answers to user questions in GitHub Discussions and our Discord organized by topic.


await writeFile(outFilePath, markdown)


Force a User to Pick an Option

// Name: Force a User to Pick an Option
// Group: Prompt

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

let animals = ["dog", "cat", "rabbit", "horse", "elephant"]
let secondsRemaining = 3
let getHint = secondsRemaining => `Hurry! You only have ${secondsRemaining} seconds to choose an animal...`

let animal = ""

animal = await arg(
hint: getHint(secondsRemaining),
onInit: async () => {
while (secondsRemaining > 0 && !animal) {
await wait(1000)

if (!animal) exit()

await div(md(`# Phew! You made it! You chose ${animal}`))

Progress Panel

// Name: Progress Panel
// Group: Prompt

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

let first = ""
let second = ""
let third = ""
let progressPanel = () =>
md(`# Progress:
- ${first || "Waiting first value"}
- ${second || "Waiting second value"}
- ${third || "Waiting third value"}

first = await arg("Enter the first value", progressPanel)
second = await arg("Enter the second value", progressPanel)
third = await arg("Enter the third value", progressPanel)

await div(
md(`# You entered:
- ${first}
- ${second}
- ${third}

Provide Contextual Search Information

// Name: Provide Contextual Search Information
// Group: Prompt

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

let choices = [
// Always show
name: "Please contact support if you don't see your fruit",
info: true,
// Only show when there are no results
name: "No fruits match your search",
miss: true,
await arg(
placeholder: "Select a fruit for your basket",
enter: "Checkout",

Return to the Main Script on Escape

// Name: Return to the Main Script on Escape
// Group: Prompt

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

await div({
html: md(`# Hello`),
shortcuts: [
key: "escape",
onPress: async () => {
await mainScript()

Rewind Prompts

// Name: Rewind Prompts
// Group: Prompt

import { Shortcut } from "@johnlindquist/kit"

let currentStep = 0
let direction = 1

let shortcuts: Shortcut[] = [
key: "escape",
onPress: async () => {

let step1 = async () =>
await arg({
placeholder: "one",

let step2 = async () =>
await arg({
placeholder: "two",

let step3 = async () =>
await arg({
placeholder: "three",

let steps = [
{ prompt: step1, value: "" },
{ prompt: step2, value: "" },
{ prompt: step3, value: "" },

while (currentStep < steps.length) {
let step = steps[currentStep]
step.value = await step.prompt()
direction = step.value ? 1 : -1
currentStep += direction
if (currentStep < 0) {
exit() // Pressing escape on the first prompt will exit the script


Single Keystroke Demo

// Name: Single Keystroke Demo
// Group: Prompt

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

let choice = await arg({
placeholder: "Choose a color",
choices: [
{ name: "[R]ed", value: "red" },
{ name: "[G]reen", value: "green" },
{ name: "[B]lue", value: "blue" },

await div(md(`You chose ${choice}`))

Strict Mode

// Name: Strict Mode
// Group: Prompt

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

let fruit = await arg(
placeholder: "Select a fruit",
hint: "Type 'Grape' and hit enter",
strict: false,
["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"]

await div(md(fruit))


Adjust the CSS of Choices

// Name: Adjust the CSS of Choices
// Group: Styles

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

let choice = await arg({
css: `
.light-purple {
background-color: #c8a2c8;
.medium-purple {
background-color: #967bb6;
.dark-purple {
background-color: #5d4777;

.focused {
box-shadow: inset .5rem 0 0 0 #ffffffee;
placeholder: "Choose a shade of purple",
choices: [
{ name: "[L]ight Purple", value: "light-purple", className: "light-purple", focusedClassName: "focused" },
{ name: "[M]edium Purple", value: "medium-purple", className: "medium-purple", focusedClassName: "focused" },
{ name: "[D]ark Purple", value: "dark-purple", className: "dark-purple", focusedClassName: "focused" },

await div(md(`You chose ${choice}`))