A scriptlet is a markdown file containing "mini scripts". Tiny actions that are grouped together.
For example:
Create a file ~/.kenv/scriptlets/
with the following content.
Note: create as many *.md files as need to keep organized
# URLs
### Script Kit
await open('')
await open('')
Each header 2 (##) will be added to the main Script Kit menu as a runnable script.
Shared Functionaltiy
A codefence declared under the header 1 will be avaiable to use in all of the header 2 codefences. The entire Script Kit api is available!
# Greet
function greet(message:string){
notify(`Hello, ${message}`)
## Hi John
### Hi Mindy
Built-In Codefence Tools
Scriptlets provide "codefence tools" which describe what to do with the text inside the codefence.
# Open
## Script Kit
Example Codefence Tools
The following tools are supported:
- paste: Pastes the enclosed text to the focused application
- template: Open a template editor to fill out variables, then pastes to the focused application
- edit: Opens the path in your configured editor
- codefence language: Runs a snippet from other programming languages
Note: for a codefence language to work, they need to already be installed/configured on your system
# Tools Overiew
## paste tool
Running this "paste" tool will paste the enclosed text into the focused app
You should check out Script Kit!
## template tool
Running this "template" scriptlet will prompt open a template editor where you can tab through the stops. Once the template is complete, submitting will paste it.
Hello ${1|John,Mindy|},
Hope your are $2!
## edit tool
Running this "edit" scriptlet will open the path with the `KIT_EDITOR` defined in ~/.kenv/.env
## python tool
from pathlib import Path
path = Path.home() / 'hello-python.txt'
with open(str(path), 'w') as f:
f.write('Hello from Python!')
print(f"File written to: {path}")
Codefence Language Tools Map
Like the "python" example above, the following codefence languages are supported.
The codefence language will create a tmp file with the mapped extension, then attempt to run it in the built-in terminal with the mapped command:
const toolExtensionMap = new Map([
['ruby', 'rb'],
['python', 'py'],
['python3', 'py'],
['perl', 'pl'],
['php', 'php'],
['node', 'js'],
['bash', 'sh'],
['powershell', 'ps1'],
['lua', 'lua'],
['r', 'r'],
['groovy', 'groovy'],
['scala', 'scala'],
['swift', 'swift'],
['go', 'go'],
['rust', 'rs'],
['java', 'java'],
['clojure', 'clj'],
['elixir', 'ex'],
['erlang', 'erl'],
['ocaml', 'ml'],
['osascript', 'scpt'],
['deno', 'ts'],
['kotlin', 'kt'],
['julia', 'jl'],
['dart', 'dart'],
['haskell', 'hs'],
['csharp', 'cs']
const toolCommandMap = new Map([
['ruby', (scriptPath) => `ruby ${scriptPath}`],
['python', (scriptPath) => `python ${scriptPath}`],
['python3', (scriptPath) => `python3 ${scriptPath}`],
['perl', (scriptPath) => `perl ${scriptPath}`],
['php', (scriptPath) => `php ${scriptPath}`],
['node', (scriptPath) => `node ${scriptPath}`],
['bash', (scriptPath) => `bash ${scriptPath}`],
['zsh', (scriptPath) => `zsh ${scriptPath}`],
['fish', (scriptPath) => `fish ${scriptPath}`],
['sh', (scriptPath) => `sh ${scriptPath}`],
['cmd', (scriptPath) => `cmd /s /c ${scriptPath}`],
['powershell', (scriptPath) => `powershell -File ${scriptPath}`],
['pwsh', (scriptPath) => `pwsh -File ${scriptPath}`],
['lua', (scriptPath) => `lua ${scriptPath}`],
['r', (scriptPath) => `Rscript ${scriptPath}`],
['groovy', (scriptPath) => `groovy ${scriptPath}`],
['scala', (scriptPath) => `scala ${scriptPath}`],
['swift', (scriptPath) => `swift ${scriptPath}`],
['go', (scriptPath) => `go run ${scriptPath}`],
['rust', (scriptPath) => `rustc ${scriptPath} -o ${scriptPath}.exe && ${scriptPath}.exe`],
['java', (scriptPath) => `java ${scriptPath}`],
['clojure', (scriptPath) => `clojure ${scriptPath}`],
['elixir', (scriptPath) => `elixir ${scriptPath}`],
['erlang', (scriptPath) => `escript ${scriptPath}`],
['ocaml', (scriptPath) => `ocaml ${scriptPath}`],
['osascript', (scriptPath) => `osascript ${scriptPath}`],
['deno', (scriptPath) => `deno run ${scriptPath}`],
['kotlin', (scriptPath) => `kotlinc -script ${scriptPath}`],
['julia', (scriptPath) => `julia ${scriptPath}`],
['dart', (scriptPath) => `dart run ${scriptPath}`],
['haskell', (scriptPath) => `runhaskell ${scriptPath}`],
['csharp', (scriptPath) => `dotnet script ${scriptPath}`]
Scriptlet Placeholders
Any codefence can include a $0, $1, $2, etc to pormpt the user for finalized the scriptlet before it runs:
# Placeholders
## Search Google Images
Will prompt for 2 arguments before opening the url: